Nigeria is one, but in her oneness we must tolerate ourselves with regard to our peaceful co-existence as a country. At the point we began to live in the fear of getting killed, then our co-existence is demanding too much; just too much price to pay for unity. Insecurity is bringing Nigeria down to her kneels. The Federal government claims to be losing sleep over incessant killing, perhaps losing sleep is not enough as it’s evident that insecurity is fast spreading like wide-fire across the four cardinal points of the country. While the government in its pretentiousness is combating insecurity, it doesn’t defeat logic for any individual or group of persons to ensure regional security, state security, local security and individual security. Self-defence remains a global phenomenon.In the words of Malcolm X, he said: “I don’t even call it self defence, I call it intelligence” If you open arms to take a bullet when you could fight for life, you’re not peaceful, you’re simply coward. Nothing comes close to security, the government is responsible for protecting lives and properties, but at the point the purpose of having a government is defeated, every individual is by nature responsible for his security. I believe it’s beyond hypothesis to state that the Yorubas have an amazing tolerance for tribal and religious differences. Every corner you turn to in the six South Western states of the Yorubas, you will find other tribes living happily with no limitation to their religious practices. South West has the lowest record of tribal clash inspite of Lagos housing not less than 15million non Yorubas. In Yoruba land, the Igbos, Hausas and other tribes have their traditional rulers, which is deemed necessary for the stability of peace and unity. In recent times, it has become crystal clear that the tolerance the Yorubas show is misconstrued for cowardice and vulnerability.Following the incessant killing in some areas of Ibadan, the capital of Oyo state by herders who are predominantly Fulanis, a Yoruba freedom fighter, Sunday Igboho has risen to call the Fulanis to vacate the area within seven days. Whether Igboho’s ultimatum is constitutional or not, it is not as important as a critical analysis of events that inspired him to speak out. Igboho’s threat may not be constitutional, it’s however necessitated by excesses of the herders who in their narrow frame of mind believe they’re more Nigerian than any other Nigerian. Is our unity in sustenance of Nigeria as an entity worth the security of lives and properties of a group of people?The Yorubas should be allowed to speak. Igboho has spoken the mind of the people in Ibarapa, and it is the best action to take since the government is not responsible enough to secure its citizens and maintain tranquility. I like one Nigeria, but not at the expense of security of law abiding citizens. There’s no better time for each region to tighten up its security and take every necessary measure to sustain security regardless of whose Ox is gored.I can’t figure out why only the Fulanis herders need to raze down the country before they can go on with their business of cattle rearing. They better stay lawful or be ready to leave as Sunday Igboho instructed, otherwise the government will be confronted with avoidable tribal clash. Seyi Oyetunbi