Political Education: Vote Selling is Suicidal

There’s consequence for every action and inaction. They wouldn’t tell you you’re selling vote, but have you asked why you’re induced monetarily to vote in an election?
I have few reasons why vote selling is suicidal.
Firstly, any politician who offers to pay you some amount to carry out your civic responsibilities during election is either a criminal – likely to be corrupt or a businessman (who’s prepared to loot treasury which to him is ROI).
Another point to note is that selling your mandate, for atleast four years is an affront. While you think it’s just a ballot paper, you’ve committed some years of yours life to the business motivated policies of the politicians.
Business men are capitalistic, the same way money bag politicians are business inclined. If the security is costing too much, you have to be left unprotected or partially secured. If your comfort wouldn’t give space for looting, you have to forgo amenities. They (the politicians) always creating space to siphon resources regardless of the consequences.
Another point noteworthy is the underdevelopment that vote buying attracts. Politicians maintain a certain level of poverty to foster docility. Otherwise, how embarrassing can it be to recieve as little as #500 to sit in the sun for hours only to vote for a known plonker against your political cognitive.
And, for how long more can we remain inconsequential to people we entrusted with power? Nigeria is too rich for a transactional voting. Good governance is what we deserve – build infrastructures, ensure people’s safety, create a good life for all and sundry.
They’ve started party activities, action must be added to the soro-soke mantra. No vote buying, shame vote buyers, selling vote is Suicidal.
Seyi Oyetunbi