We can all see what is happening today because we have the country in the hands of the wrong people. The youths are abandoning their nation building degrees to service the elites.
Solomon Olukoya
In an exclusive interview with Seun Kuti at GOVERNMEND via Zoom teleconference, he described the situation of the country as one to be sorry about.
Seun Kuti pointed to the fact that many youths out of frustration as a result of lack of employment have abandoned their degrees that would have been tools to develop the country for anything that comes just for survival. “I know many UK trained teachers who are just private teachers for the rich men kids instead of landing a well paying government teaching job that would offer them chances to reach the kids of the poor” the music maestro stated.
A graduate of history can’t teach history because to be a historian is to be hungry. We have biochemists, physicists, robotic engineers who are now tailors, event planners because the truth is they’re positioned to make more money servicing the elites than working to develop the country with their knowledge.
Apparently we need more medical doctors, teachers, accountants, architects and other professionals than we need tailors, shoe makers, event planners and the likes. But I know of many tailors who sew ‘agbada’ for a million naira. Therefore, it pays to service the elites than to do anything more important to develop the country. You see doctors running, engineers running to the United States.
We can all see what is happening today because we have the country in the hands of the wrong people. The youths are abandoning their nation building degrees to service the elites. In other countries, people are rich because they add something to the country, Bill Gate is the richest American because he added Microsoft, ask what Dangote has added to the country. I can even go further to ask where his youth development centre is. None!
Nigeria is not making any progress. The world is moving so fast but Nigeria is obviously not ready. It’s sad but that is the reality.