My Introduction To Politics – Alex Ajayi | GOVERNMEND
Three questions, there are, to be answered in order to get a clearer picture of what politics is.
What comes to mind whenever the word “politics” Pumps up?
What is the definition?
What is the essence of politics?
What comes to mind anytime we hear the word “politics” is the activities of a group of people who belongs to a political party or the other, sitting in public offices or striving to sit there. As much as that could be regarded as politics, it doesn’t end there, as it’s only a part of what politics stand for. And that leads me into defining politics in my own words.
I define Politics as the resolution of matters in the society, family, place of worship, school, sport organizations, social organizations.
Politics in other and simpler words is the act of ruling and “other activities surrounding Ruling.”
In view of this, we can say there could be politics in an extended family, even within a given political party.
And finally the essence of politics. Politics has a lot more to do with the activities surrounding ruling than ruling itself. Those activities include the act of choosing who to lead/rule, and that gives birth to election, furthermore, there could be more than two individuals who are well qualified to take the position, and in a large population where everyone has their opinions about who they think is more qualified, people tend to form a group in support of who they’re willing to choose, and that’s why there is political party system.
Then generally, politics is meant to aim for the betterment of a given society, etc
Politics is about conflicts but more about cooperation.
Politics is a contest, but not a battle.
In the long run, I’ll be going deeper into the political system, how it is done and how it should be done. Today I focus only on the introduction, and till next time
Source: Alex Ajayi