
Osun, Ekiti’s Election, Oduduwa Agitators Maintain There Will Be No Election | GOVERNMEND

The year 2022 means more to the people of Osun and Ekiti as it is a period where the people of Osun and Ekiti respectively get to determine who lead them for the next 4years.

Electioneering period spurs politicians to leave their comfort zones to market themselves to electorates at different levels of the society. This often happen with some drama, in Osun we currently have different sub-groups within the All Progressive Party and almost the same thing is happening in the People’s Democratic Party and other political parties, in the state.

In Ekiti, the aides of Governor Kayode Fayemi have began battling for secession. Many of them have shown interest and may be many more would.

However, the arrowhead of the Yoruba nation, Prof. Akintayo has made a public release that there will be no election in Osun and Ekiti. This statement has attracted different reactions from the public, especially those in Ekiti and Osun where elections will be taking place in 2022.

We may probably have more happening in 2022, drawing from the area that the agitators are very assertive in their demand to have a Yoruba nation. But, would the threats from the agitators be inefficacious like that from the IPOB during election in Anambra state? I believe 2022 will unfold that.