2023 Presidential Election: The Feast Of Fools | Bayo Oluwasanmi | GOVERNMEND
Nigeria was founded on representative democracy. It has devolved into a country where tyrants rise to power, citizens blindly follow, and the entire country is in ruins. Ancient Greek philosophers saw this and warned against it: “Chaotic tragedy unfolds in the absence of reason.”

Poverty, terrorism, hunger, violence, chaos, killings, make for tantalizing fiction. Nigerians, what do you do when that drama is everyday reality around you?
Nigeria was founded on representative democracy. It has devolved into a country where tyrants rise to power, citizens blindly follow, and the entire country is in ruins. Ancient Greek philosophers saw this and warned against it: “Chaotic tragedy unfolds in the absence of reason.”
Some candidates have begun the sales pitch for campaign. Same script. Same actors. Same propaganda. Same audience. They are going about like a crowd of children insulting Nigerians with ipakere (plantain chips), iru, ogiri, fura and nunu, with a head waiter’s condescending smile. Our democracy is an oligarchy distinguished by tyranny that can be likened to that of the “prosperous fools.” Money is the only faith of the candidates and they seem to be saying “there is nothing that it cannot buy.”
Going into 2023 presidential elections with the fraudulent 1999 Constitution, the exercise is nothing but the Feast of Fools. Consider some of the aberrations of the 1999 Constitution: (1) The 1999 Constitution was conceived and birthed by military Decree 24 by selected few Fulanis. The indigenous nationalities or its representatives never took part in the writing of the document. It was never subjected to any referendum. (2) The 1999 Constitution gave us a unitary government instead of a federal constitution. It claims that the different nationalities voluntarily handed over their natural resources to the federal government. (3)The 1999 Constitution crippled state governors as chief security of their respective states. The governors have no control over security of their states. All security agencies are under the federal government.
It is for lack of words, we keep referring to 1999 Constitution as a fraudulent document. It’s more than that. It’s a poison. A manual of slavery and servitude for Yorubas.
The 1999 Constitution makes our heartbeat skips, slows our pulse, and chills our blood. The 1999 Constitution remains the only pre-existing condition for failure and collapse of Nigeria. No one can govern Nigeria successfully with the 1999 Constitution. With the Constitution, Nigeria will remain an ungovernable Afghanistan, a lawless Somalia, and a killing field of Haiti. We are not going to conduct elections. We are going to carry out electrocution of Nigeria as one country. Nigerians are gearing up for the explosion and implosion of the country. Break up is inevitable. It’s imminent!
Source: Bayo Oluwasanmi