Hospitals In Osun Are Poor, Can’t Save Lives – DAB, YPP Guber Aspirant | GOVERNMEND

The Young Progressives Party’s aspirant in the Osun gubernatorial race, Dr. Ademola Bayonle, often referred to as DAB has expressed his concern over the current position of the state’s health sector. He described hospitals in Osun state as dysfunctional, where it is rarely possible for the sick to get adequate medical attention. He wrote on his official page @dab4youyh
“I work in one of the world best hospitals, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Havard Medical School, Massachusetts, United States. From what is available in countries I have visited and lived in, I am convinced to say, may be two or three hospitals in the entire Nigeria are built to save lives. I’m yet to know about any in Osun state.”
“Visiting home year in, year out to witness what they made our people take for hospitals often move me to tears. Have you wondered why none of the hospitals they built, manage as a government is good enough for them?”
“We have a state to collectively redeem and a country to rescue. Hence, the plea for every youth to be actively involved in the process, this time.
Funnily enough, people with antiquated ideas are not even scared to call themselves Messiah. We the youths have a major role to play.”
Source: DAB Official Page