Of Relocating Abroad: Japa Considerations, Context and Concessions – Tosin Ayo | GOVERNMEND
May I first issue a disclaimer that I once traveled, studied and lived in the ‘saner climes’ and currently live in Nigeria and this update is not to discourage anyone that wishes to relocate, but only a piece to shed some lights on factors to consider before you relocate. Also, I have visited more nations than I can count on my fingers, but I honestly feel so much joy when more people relocate as I see it as more access to greater opportunities for the rest of us who are waiting behind to take the available opportunities the relocators are leaving behind. Here you go:

- Don’t relocate simply because its fashionable, trending and because others are doing it. Avoid the bandwagon effect. Do so because you have conducted your independent research, you want it and you are ultimately convinced that your life and that of your family will be compositely better than it currently is when you do so. And you are threatened by insecurity, sustainable economic development, better healthcare access, a second address for your children, etc- those are good enough reasons to leave. But If you fart because your friends are farting, you will poo poo o. Ehn Ehn…
- Be absolutely sure your career progression pays better in your country of destination before you relocate. Don’t leave your professional jobs here to become an untrained peasant in a foreign land. Research extensively on breaking into the mainstream profession of your intending country or betterstill obtain the requisite certifications here before making the move. E get why.
- Test the deep waters of relocation with one foot first, lest you get drowned by the indiscretions of hasty generalisation. Don’t sell off all you laboured all your life to gather in your own country to japa, only to discover too late on arrival that the grass is not truly green on the other side and start re-labouring to buy them back albeit at more exorbitant prices. How about you first go to visit, to see things for yourself or you send your partner to ‘debe’ confirm, before you lock up and join? Half a word is better than horrid silence.
- If you are doing really well in Nigeria and sustainably too, please stay where you are. Living in a rented apartment in Lekki or Lakowe and driving one or two Tokunbo cars with no other owned convertible assets, no real wealth, being unable to pay your bills without bothering anyone, afford all your wants, take fancy vacations, with neither debt nor mortgage to your name or living in your own housing poverty insignia in your village also does not qualify as doing very well. If you are also not sure if you are really doing well, please apply for the visa already.
- If you are not in Tech or planning to be in Tech, you are an average Joe or basic Josephine and you want to relocate to Tech-savvy countries because all your Tech-savvy acquaintances have japa and are cashing out big, just stay where you are. You, yes you asking what is Java script, Cousera, Udemy, Stem, Techavilly, Silicon Valley, et al, just stay at home and let’s face how to either eat corn or cassava all the time for another eight years without dying on time.
- If you are not focused, driven, ambitious, upwardly mobile, passionate about success, honest, self-motivated, progressive in mind and success-inclined, do not think a move to relocate will automatically force success strides into you. Yes, Nigeria can kill your vibe and efforts, but thinking Nigerians still succeed in Nigeria. An idealess and skill-less youth in Nigeria blaming an incompetent national government will not amount to much in ‘saner climes’ beyond living in council flats or depending on public funds’ stipends for survival. A lizard in Oshodi will not automatically become an Alligator in Ottawa. Take heed. By the way, Nigeria pays you better as a hustler than a controlled system with no leaks or leeway to overnight success.
- The harder the process to get into a country, the more likely it is to succeed in it. Similarly, the stiffer the hurdle to relocate to a country, the stiffer the indication of strife and challenges in the country. If you find it easy to get in, check well, people there are not really doing well. Most visa-free countries are not economically viable nations. This is how Nigerians end up in pariah nations that Nigeria should mentor in growth and development all in a bid to escape from the horror we have unfortunately become. Did anyone say Cyprus, Libya, Yemen, Somalia, Venezuela and South Sudan are foreign countries too?
- Before you emigrate or relocate, know what your long term plan is. Are you going just for a season to come back sometimes or its a final translocation, only to visit Nigeria at Christmas once in a decade for family reunion parties. Ensure the reason for your relocation is directly connected to your purpose in life.This is important and will guide your sense of investment in your visiting country and home country. Endeavour to invest or do business in your home country, but save in hard currencies because of the near valuelessness of the Naira. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. In the event of ‘Ukraine situation’, you will at least have something and somewhere to bank on. I have seen relocators return after 5decades of hustle in America, only to start off where they left and begin to look for houses to rent in their old age. London money stays in London. Their civil servant friends they left here and looked down on many years ago are now showing them the way and became their Landlords. I know you will say that’s not you portion. But I ask- its whose portion?
- Please and please, endeavour to have a heart to heart talk with sincere people already living, studying and working in that country of interest you want to emigrate to. E get why. The grass always appears greener on the other side, but not always greener when you view it from the other side. Information is power. Build valuable relationships beyond borders. I had several jobs when I was in Aberdeen and I had friends and family complain of no jobs in London- Same UK. Know the city, its tax regime, skills required and what to do to get by, before you leave. Don’t go and work for a system that drains you. Be persistent in your pursuit for excellence and stability too. A friend once complained she had no job after applying 30 times until she met a friend who got a job after sending in 1,532 applications. Give it all it takes. Success journey is often a marathon, not a sprint. It takes time, skills, growth and patience to earn 7figures. Give the time some time.
- Talk to God your maker before you leave your Goshen. And this does not work if God is not your Father and you never consulted him over any major decisions you made on other issues. Your success in life and career is as important as your environment. Abraham had to leave his Father’s house on God’s instructions to become the Father of nations. Your location often determines your allocation. No matter how brilliant you are, you cannot become a Vice-chancellor in a secondary school. If your success is in Nigeria, if you relocate to America, you will come back unsuccessful. It goes vice-versa too. May God guide your path. Amen
Source: Tosin Ayo