TUC Demands Federal Government’s Compliance with Labour Agreements


The Trade Union Congress (TUC) has called on the Federal Government to honour all agreements made with organised labour in 2023, particularly regarding the national minimum wage. In a joint New Year message signed by TUC President, Festus Osifo, and Secretary General, Nuhu Toro, the union emphasized the need for the government to fulfil its commitments to labour.

Titled “Our Hope is not Renewed Yet,” the message highlights the TUC’s efforts in 2023 to prioritize social dialogue with the Federal Government. However, Osifo criticized the government for its failure to implement key agreements reached with labour, despite demands for the agreements to be legally recognized by the court.

Osifo cited an example where the government was supposed to inaugurate a minimum wage committee within one month of an agreement, but has yet to do so after three months. This, he stated, is consistent with previous experiences where the government has not honoured agreements with labour.

Looking ahead to 2024, the TUC has resolved to push for the implementation of all agreements with the government. This includes the payment of the monthly N35,000 wage award to public servants at the local, state, and federal levels, until a new national minimum wage is established.

Source: Daily Post

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