Pavel Durov, CEO of Telegram, has been charged in France with allowing criminal activities on the messaging app, including child sexual abuse material exchange, drug trafficking, fraud, and money laundering. Durov, who was arrested at Le Bourget airport on Saturday, has posted €5 million bail, which has allowed him to avoid jail while the investigation continues.Telegram has responded by stating that it adheres to EU laws and that its moderation practices meet industry standards. The company contends that it is unreasonable to hold the platform or its owner accountable for the misuse of the service.French President Emmanuel Macron has asserted that Durov’s arrest is part of a judicial investigation and not politically motivated. Macron emphasized that France’s judiciary operates independently and reassured that the country remains committed to freedom of expression and innovation. He stressed that legal actions are taken within a framework that upholds fundamental rights and protections.The Paris Public Prosecutor’s Office has listed a range of potential charges against Durov, including complicity in drug dealing, money laundering, and facilitating the distribution of child pornography. Durov, a 39-year-old Russian national who also holds citizenship in France, the UAE, and St. Kitts and Nevis, was detained upon arriving in Paris from Azerbaijan.The legal proceedings are ongoing, with French authorities and the judiciary managing the case independently of political influence.Pavel Durov, CEO of Telegram, has been charged in France with allowing criminal activities on the messaging app, including child sexual abuse material exchange, drug trafficking, fraud, and money laundering. Durov, who was arrested at Le Bourget airport on Saturday, has posted €5 million bail, which has allowed him to avoid jail while the investigation continues.Telegram has responded by stating that it adheres to EU laws and that its moderation practices meet industry standards. The company contends that it is unreasonable to hold the platform or its owner accountable for the misuse of the service.French President Emmanuel Macron has asserted that Durov’s arrest is part of a judicial investigation and not politically motivated. Macron emphasized that France’s judiciary operates independently and reassured that the country remains committed to freedom of expression and innovation. He stressed that legal actions are taken within a framework that upholds fundamental rights and protections.The Paris Public Prosecutor’s Office has listed a range of potential charges against Durov, including complicity in drug dealing, money laundering, and facilitating the distribution of child pornography. Durov, a 39-year-old Russian national who also holds citizenship in France, the UAE, and St. Kitts and Nevis, was detained upon arriving in Paris from Azerbaijan.The legal proceedings are ongoing, with French authorities and the judiciary managing the case independently of political influence.